>----- Original Message -----
>From: Sam Gentile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 1:37 PM
>Subject: RE: [newbie] MS releases new Windows and NT Keyboard (humor)
>Oh, everyone who doesn't agree with your viewpoint is a "Microsoft plant?"
>No, I am just an Engineer who has used both since 1993. You're spreading
>crap and it's UN-professional as well as false. Have you used Windows NT?
>Have you used Windows 2000 for 6 months as I have? No? THEN DON'T MAKE
>STATEMENTS OUT OF YOUR BEHIND. I have told you the truth - I have been
>running for 6 months and instead you choose to believe myths instead of
>direct experience.

You must admit that this is probably not the best place to push MS and its
However, from my perspective, MS and its products just do not perform the
way they could/should.
And, before you say I know nothing about MS... I have been a beta tester for
MS products since Win 95 was called Chicago.  I have been to MS offices in
Dallas and Seattle.. I have instructor certification from MS.  Not just MCSE
or MCP, but Instructor certification.  I have run most every MS product in
existance since 1990.

I am a Unix engineer by trade also.. My employer was using NT 4 and IIS as
the company web server for all of our web-based products up until very
recently..  We switched to Solaris and Netscape Enterprise Server.. The
reason for the change?  The IIS servers would crash on a regular basis and,
when they were up the 3 systems they were running on (Dual P-II 450 Compaq
servers) couldnt keep up with the workload.  Since switching to NES just
over a month ago, we have reached 10,000,000 (Yes, Ten Million) hits per
day. with two dual cpu Sun servers.  NES has had exactly two problems in the
last month and both of those were caused by router failures.

You can't blame this on "poorly written software" because we were using
Microsoft's own web server.  We have MCSE certified engineers on site to
handle the configuration of the servers and even MS themselves looked at our
configuration and could find no problems with it.  The problem is that NT
and yes, Win 2k still needs time to mature.  It is not ready to be an
enterprise level OS.  It might be OK for file and print serving, but forget
mission-critical applications where a companys future depends on solid,
robust, stable performance.

I too have run Win2k since the early betas have come out.  While I am
impressed with the improvements they have made, it still has a way to go
before it will be on a level with Solaris or Linux.

And, do I run MS operating systems at home? Yes..   I like to watch movies
and play games.. Those are 2 things that Linux does not do well at this
point.. In time, that will change.

And, if you're not completely convinced by my statements, then I ask you why
Microsoft themselves could not get their Hotmail service to run on NT and
IIS reliably?  When they purchased Hotmail, it was running on Solaris and
Apache.  They tried to cut over, but again IIS and NT could not handle the
workload and would not stay up.  So, to this day Hotmail still runs on
Solaris and Apache.

Now, I'm not going to blindly say that Unix/Linux/Solaris never crashes..
They do crash some times.. But their reliability far exceeds that of
NT/95/98/Win2k.  I'm not "making statements out of my behind either".  I
have the experience.. I've been there.. I've got the t-shirt.

Darin -

Sr. Systems Engineer
My opinions are my own.. Not my emplyers..  So there..

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