Sam Gentile wrote:
> I'm only defending against the stupid lies here and in the Linux community.
> If you made an argument that Linux is better because.... that's OK. If you
> start spreading lies like NT crashes left and right, I know it not to be
> true. We are running a billion dollar business on it.
> Sam Gentile
> snip


I enjoyed the graphic, and I have to agree with you the Win2000 is a
several orders of magnitude improvement over previous MS systems. I have
been using Beta 2 release since it came out and have found it to be
quite stable. It was easy to load, never read any documentation but the
readme on the CD, and managed to get it up and running on the internet
in about 90 minutes. I was impressed, and wish that linux was as easy to
install and configure.  

The major reason I run Win2K now is I have been unable to use linux as a
gateway to my cablemodem setup. (the other reason is I need to be
familiar with it so I can work with my IT clients). After uncountable
tries, and many thousands of pages of reading, I have been unable to get
mandrake to recognize more that one ethernet card on my server. So,
until I find the magic key I'm stuck with Windows at least for that
particular function.

I think one of the major problems with linux is that so many supporters
are unable to accept that MS products have a place in the greater scheme
of computing. I dislike MS as much as the next person, but I think that
linux is done a great disservice by rabid aficionados who are vehement
in their criticism, and make blanket statements that are not universally
true. Yes Win anything will crash, but so will any other system. Yes its
buggy, and yes it is virtually impossible to make much in the way of
meaningful customization, but it does work and it is pretty brainless.
My experience has been that few computer users care how things work,
they want eye candy and something to get their word-processing done.
Windows provides the eye candy and lets them get their words processed
almost as efficiently as WordPerfect 4.2 did.

Get with the program people, juvenile comments and FUD work in both
directions. If you want to be taken seriously by the computing
community, stop the BS and petty arguments. Think with your brain
instead of your testosterone level. I'm happy to join Sam on the flame
line. He makes sense, most of the flames I've read don't.

James Mellema, CRNA MA
Linux User #71650

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