Here is the post from Helmar Rudolph, Opera's marketing guy;

you have been waiting patiently for news from the various fronts,
particularly the Mac, OS/2, Amiga and Linux versions.

Here is a brief update. More info will follow later, and will be
posted on both the respective newsgroups as well as the website.

The initial team did not perform to expectations. They are out. We are
currently busy shifting the project to another team, which will delay
things a bit, but nevertheless, our commitment to a MacOS version is

Please don't shout and scream -- it won't help anyway -- just send us
some positive energy that we get this on track this time 'round. 

According to the head of the Amiga development team, that project has
been put on hold because the entire Amiga market seems to have
collapsed. Mags have gone out of business, no new information about
the future is forthcoming, and sales are next to dead.

They are now waiting for the Cologne Fair to see if it's worth
continuing with the project of stopping it altogether.

I have no news about the status at all. I spoke to the Head of
Development, who was on his way out of the office, but he gave me his
new email address -- which bounced. <wondering in disbelief>

Looking back at my progress mails, he said they'd done 75% of the
work, and that was in March. Then they stumbled across the Resource
files which they started converting manually or even rewriting. That
was my latest update from many months ago.

Their deadline is coming closer, so it's either make or break. More
detailed news hopefully a little later -- when I get an email address
that actually works.

The MacOS and the Linux programmers have been working together, and
they both failed. As with the MacOS project, the Linux project is also
being shifted as we speak. Again, a version will be released (to the
best of my knowledge of today ;)), but expect delays.

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