Just My two cents, I used Opera for windows for a couple years. I loved
it and I for one am looking forward to getting a working Linux browser
I dont mind paying for something I like. Theres was fast and stable.
Something Netscape or IE4 were not , At least when they were new :)


On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> >Please don't shout and scream -- it won't help anyway -- just send us
> >some positive energy that we get this on track this time 'round.
> rofl....what are these guys, hippies? Positive energy?!?!? How about "send
> us some qualified programmers". Last I heard, I was going to have to send
> them $40 to use their junky slow-developing browser. Now I have to send
> energy too? These guys are jokers, people. The open source crowd needs to
> solve the browser problem on their own. If you're waiting for Opera, then
> you're waiting for Linux to die. Linux didn't happen because folks waited on
> commercial jokers like these Opera folks.
> >I have no news about the status at all. I spoke to the Head of
> >Development, who was on his way out of the office, but he gave me his
> >new email address -- which bounced. <wondering in disbelief>
> Oh, yeah...these guys are the hope for the future. I just CAN'T WAIT until I
> can go out and BUY my very own Opera to run on Linux! <dripping with
> sarcasm>
> >Linux
> >-----
> >The MacOS and the Linux programmers have been working together, and
> >they both failed. As with the MacOS project, the Linux project is also
> >being shifted as we speak. Again, a version will be released (to the
> >best of my knowledge of today ;)), but expect delays.
> No sh$t. Expect delays, people. Remember why you left commercial crapware to
> begin with?
> Whether you can code or not, Mozilla is the only real hope right now. Get
> over to mozilla.org and pitch in. Write some docs. Test some bugs. That's
> the way Linux gets improved. Why would it be any different for a browser?
> Of course, this Opera crew may be an exception. They do seem to be a real
> crack team. <more sarcasm> I'm sure they as a private copmpany, full of
> programmer team difficulties can get it ALL worked out. Just sit back and
> wait for Opera folks, while Gates continues to win the browser war and Linux
> becomes less and less viable as an Internet-capable desktop. Remember,
> that's all 90% of people use their machines for.
Boling's postulate:
        If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.

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