On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Here here!!
> MS is good for people who don't tinker, and don't care.  It's NOT for 
> 'US', but we already knew that, didn't we? I've always said that MS's 
> only real fault was pushing OS's out before they were ready.  They do 
> put out some really good products (MSMoney99, Office2k, Age of Empires 
> all come to mind).
> -- 
> Ty Mixon
> ICQ:  26147713

   Speak for yourself :)  Windows is fine for those who've learned
how to maintain it ... and unmatched as a gaming OS (I like flight
simulator's an' Linux hasn't got a rival.... yet, the best one 
now work's better, much better on W98).

   Window's biggest problem is tryin to be backward's compatible,
and work on any hardware out there.  That, and people with hardware
problem's, blame 'em on the OS.  Anything past 'illegal operations'
(application fault) is most likely a hardware problem.  BUT who
wants to admit the Dell they just sprung major bucks for ... is a
substandard, limited, propietary, 'specially the newer ones... PC ?

 .... it's easier to blame it all on Doze
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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