On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 13:17, JoeHill wrote:

On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 10:56, Lanman wrote: 
> > JoeHill wrote:
> > 
> > > So, are you taking over Lyvim's arrogant side now? <G>
> > > 
> > > I don't think anyone is arguing with his point of view anyhow, *he's* arguing
> > > against a point *that no one made*, at least in this thread.
> > 
> > What it is with you Joe? Are you determined to piss somebody off today? 
> > Did you wake up and decide that this was a good day to annoy and insult 
> > someone again?
> > 
> > Don't disguise your insult by making it sound like you're kidding. The 
> > "<G>" notation will only allow you to get away with things to a certain 
> > extent.
> > 
> > I was simply agreeing with Lyvim, who's opinions I happen to respect. 
> > Virtually everything he says is right on target IMNSHO. And I wasn't 
> > replying to you in particular but was replying to the whole list. Why 
> > would you feel that you need to reply to my one comment and insult Lyvim 
> > at the same time, while assuming that Lyvim or I were arguing any points 
> > at all with anyone at all? He was merely offering his point of view. I 
> > was agreeing with him and with the fact that it would be difficult to 
> > refute his opinion. That's it. Move on. Get over it.
> > 
> > You know, for an old fart you can be pretty grumpy sometimes. You're 
> > always trying to pick a fight with someone, and you seem to think it's 
> > appreciated. It's like having a house guest that tries to take over the 
> > household, only you try to do it with your opinions and when that fails 
> > you insult people. Here's a news flash for ya Joe. It's doesn't make you 
> > a better person when you put others down, it makes you less than them, 
> > BECAUSE you put them down.
> > 
> > Perhaps you should forward a list to us outlining what things you'd like 
> > to defend, comment or argue about and we'll just avoid those items from 
> > now on, OK? It'll make life a lot simpler for all of us. Or maybe we can 
> > just start a new "Joe" mailing list instead of an "Off-Topic" list. Then 
> > anyone who wants to hear your insults and condescending assumptions 
> > would be able to go there to get their daily dose of "Joe".
> > 
> > While I'm at it, give us a break on the List Nazi stuff, OK? Netiquette 
> > is intended to be a guideline and most people will comply or will be 
> > told by others about what they should or shouldn't do on the list. More 
> > often than not, you seem to come across as rude or obnoxious about it, 
> > and that will send people off to other lists or distros.
> > 
> > More and more, we're seeing newbies show up who have never even been on 
> > a list before, and aren't even aware that there are considerations to 
> > make when dealing with this list, but a suggestion to help them set up 
> > their emails client is always better than a link and a terse message.
> > Work on those "People Skills" will ya?
> > 
> > Give it a rest, Dude. Jeez! Who pissed in your Corn Flakes this morning?

> On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:56:46 -0400
> Lanman disseminated the following:
> <whack a whole bunch of typical Lanman bullshit>
> ...aaaaaand once again: *plonk*
> Oh well, it was nice while it lasted, but bozos are bozos I guess.

Only *you* had the power to crystallize the irony in that statement to
the hardness of tungsten steel.


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