John Wilson wrote:

Oh, and guess which country is home to the most developed, efficent and most secret communications interception and decryting agency on the planet? Why it's Canada.

For all that I'm still Canadian and always will be. I just don't trust government much. Any government.

How times change.
I can remember when it was the cry of the right of center that held these views.

Now it seems that nobody feels comfortable with their governments, myself included.

We are a society listening to a syphony orchestra whose conducter is playing us all to perfection. As each cedanza unfolds we are expected to react to the chords on time and place according to the prescribed score, only to wake up and find while we were being played to perfection, government slipped cuffs on us via ledgislative bills passed under the guise of "security".

Then again, I don't expect much from them either.

not bad for any independently minded/thinking person .

Not bad for a unreconstructed lefty :)




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