On Friday 18 Mar 2005 19:39, Charles Rodgers wrote:
> Success at last :-))
> Many thanks to all for the helpful replies.
> I have a DVD reader - make just says Atapi.
> I have a Pioneer 109 DVD burner.
> I had been trying to put the source disk in the Atapi and the blank
> disk in the Pioneer burner (of course), which seemed a good idea at
> the time :-)
> Your responses made me persevere - so I looked into K3b setup.
> Made a new Temp file and made sure that K3b was pointing that way.
> This time I put the source disk in the Pioneer burner,  when that was
> read into my new Temp file, I inserted the blank disk and lo and
> behold K3b started to write !!  What's more went on to complete a
> successful burn of about 4.4Gig at 4.1X.
Sounds as though you never did the configuration.  You can list the available 
drives and say which one is to be the reader.

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