"Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:

> root wrote:
> > Can Anyone give my some infor on configuring a PCI Modem.  btw...It's not
> > a winmodem,
> >
> > Ron
> Last I heard ALL but 1 maybe 2 PCI modems are winmodems of one flavor or
> another.  What is the make & model?
> --
> Joseph S. Gardner
> Senior Designer / Technical Support
> Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Hope you don't mind if I horn in here,  but I'm curious about my isa SupraFax
"Plug n Pray".  (Any help?? I can't get it to run and I need my USR baack in
my pool)
 As a proficient user of M$ prods and an OEM most PCI
modems I've seen are "Winmodems" although the retail packaged ones
scam you by saying "Designed for Windows" .  Check the chipset.

Bill Carlng
C&B Proserv

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