On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Sorry about the line-length; I was trying a new
> email client and it doesn't have a setting for the
> line-length wrapping of outgoing mail.  I have
> only been using computers in general for about 5
> years now, so I'm still a little wet behind the
> ears on some things, but I have the ability and
> desire to learn, although this desire is certainly
> not shared by everyone who uses a computer.  What
> my gripe is, basically, that people may not like
> the way MS practices business so they want to try
> something else.  Where to go:
No sweat. :-)
> Of those Linux seems to be the most attractive,
> and the majority of the Linux community would like
> to see it adopted by the public at large.  This
> would be wonderful, but it still has a lot to do
> to be palatable to many people.  I'm not saying
> that this is a bad thing, but people in the Linux
> community, I think, must own up to this fact. 
> There are a lot of things about Windows that make
> it easier to use, such as an intuitive and
> flexible install routine.  I'm not advocating that
> Linux be so dumbed down as to become useless, it's
> just that if you are really afraid of the CLI, in
> my opinion, you should not be forced to use it for
> some of the basic, and daily jobs that must be
> performed.
Well, the CLI *can* be gotten around by using the "advanced
editor" or some other Text Editor to edit your
/etc/lilo.conf. However, you STILL have to open a console
window and run /sbin/lilo to save / activate the changes to
your lilo.conf. Or, don't update your kernel.
>  I'm not really bashing either OS, they
> both have the uses, strengths, and weaknesses.  It
> just seems obvious that Linux is not the best of
> all possible worlds, and I get tired of people who
> act like it is and then berate those who think
> otherwise.
> I really didn't want to offend anyone, I just
> wanted to voice another viewpoint.
No offense taken here. I just think you're expecting a bit
much for an O/S that's really less than 5 years old and
already taking on the incumbent which is more like 15 years
old....and doing quite well!

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