On Sat, 01 Jan 2000, Etien T. VanDenBroecke wrote:
> Yes that is true, but it has been said that somewhere along the lines we all
> lost a year, so is it the year 2000 or the year 2001??  who knows, all that I
> know is that the media hype about the Y2K bug, looks like it turn out to be a
> big money making scam.......
> Anybody else agree?  Example:  three days ago a friend of mine heard on the radio
> that some fool went and purchased and re-wired his whole house, to on run
> generators for the Y2K blitz!!
Well, there are other reasons to have a generator....depending on
where you live, there may be winter storms that knock power out for
days at a time...or there's a possibility of a large solar flare
knocking out the electrical grid in an area for a few days like it
did about 10 or 11 years back in Canada.... but this is all WAY off
topic for Linux, so can we please drop this thread???

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