Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sad to say that the counter argument is as follows: at the time the gregorian
>calandar was greated, the concept of a year zero or of the value zero as a
>number did not exist. Therefore even though there was no year zero in the first
>millenium, the second millenium still began with the year 1000, and the first
>millenium had only 999 years. A truely convoluted argument, but not entirely
>without merrit.
>Personally I do not see what difference it makes, one year in 1000 is one tenth
>of one percent of the whole. We expect greater variations in value from nearly
>every device created by man. For example a resistor for a circuit board is
>normally plus or minus ten percent of the rated resistance as indicated on the
>package. The specifications for the average automobile engine around 1968 was 
>plus or minus three tenths of one percent (or +/- .003).
>My only point here is if we can tolerate such variances in our every day lives,
>why not with whether or not this is the third millenium. 

I would seriously disagree with the argument that the number zero or a zero value did 
not exist at the creation of the gregorian calender. I bet alot of ancient greeks and 
egyptians would disagree with you also. Not to mention the Romans. By the way, I 
believe that the original Gregorian calender began the new millenium back in 1998. Our 
calender is a revision, and it is only the fifteenth century by the Chinese calender. 
However, I would agree that the new millenium does not start until 2001. The city of 
Chicago does not plan to have their new millenium celebration until New Years eve 
2000. The millenium starting at 2000 was another media creation that does nothing more 
than spew forth more disinformation to the ignorant masses. Most people don't have the 
time to check out the facts for themselves. It makes alot of difference by the way for 
history. Since most people don't bother to check the facts themselves, we've allowed 
the media to feed us disinformation, and this is sta!
rting to warp history to general public. Now, only historians know what has really 
happened. Because of this, politicians are able to convince people of their cause with 
incorrect information. So I guess historical accuracies are necessarry and inaccuate 
info can affect your lives. But I digress. 
Happy New Year to all.
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