
I just want to say that Winmodem are not supported by Linux and they
will NEVER be supported. I read that in a HOWTO about configuring modems
in Linux... Whatever, I don't suggest you to buy another modem, choose
rather a faster connection.

By the way, I'm new here :)

Jon Schwartze wrote:
> hey man,
>         I'm having the exact same problem as you.  What kind of modem do you have?  
>I have a
> WINMODEM, and an Internal PCI modem, both of which......Dont work (of course the 
> wont work, thats why I bought the PCI one....).   I've been on this list a few days 
> and everybody I have asked says to buy an External modem. Preferably U.S. Robotics
> Hope that helps :)
> *Linux-Mandrake 6.5*
> Abdoul Da Man wrote:
> >
> > I did everything you guys said, now I have "modem busy"
> > with Kppp.
> > When I do a "uname -r", I get "2.2.5-15BOOT"
> > When I do a "uname -m", I get "i686"
> > when I cat /etc/mandrake-release I get
> > "Linux Mandrake release 6.1 (Helios)"
> >
> > I have a Gateway pentium III 450 and windows98 and Linux
> > and 64MB of RAM.
> > and I changed the config.sys so to boot either
> > from linux or windows by using "loadlin vmlinuz..."
> >
> > I will appreciate all help.

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