Your right, but it sure is fun sometimes hehehehe :)

On Wed, 09 Feb 2000, Larry Varney mewed:
> If anyone reads this, then it should be obvious that this particular piece
> of software, Microsoft's Outlook Express, does work. And, while it may be
> fun and amusing to come up with different spellings, abbreviations, acronyms
> and so on, does the constant bashing of Microsoft serve any purpose?
>   I will admit that I have done similar things. I have a pretty good
> collection of t-shirts proclaiming the superiority of systems from the Amiga
> to OS/2, usually by employing some permutation on Microsoft's name,  or a
> similar tactic aimed at Bill Gates himself. After a while, though, I
> realized that such things did not convince anyone that my preferred system
> was better. Apparently, those people expected me to provide evidence of its
> superiority.
>   And that is what I do now, and what I will do on February 17th, when I
> present a talk on Linux.  I will try not to make use of any slurs against
> Microsoft, its founder, nor its software. Such tactics do not gain us
> anything.
> Larry Varney
> Cold Spring, KY
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Paul Derbyshire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 6:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [Re: [newbie] what web browser do you all use?]
> | At 09:20 AM 2/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
> |
> | >nope.
> | >that's not what i claim.
> | >however, from my experience and EVERYONE ELSE i know who regularly uses
> | M$, it is highly
> | >improbable that any M$ installation could ever be called 'stable',
> | 'reliable' or 'dependable'.
> |
> | [much deletia]
> |
> | I agree with you so far! until...
> |
> | >and this is why, despite the software that they have produced which
> works,
> | i cannot stand by
> | >M$.
> |
> | ??? Non-sequitur! Imperfection...destroy! Destroy! :-)
> |
> | Seriously: WHAT "software that they have produced which works"? I have
> | never seen any...
> |
> | [Much quoted material deleted]
> | --
> |    .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are
> not
> | -()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
> |    `*'  straight
> e."    -------------------------------------------------
> |         -- B. Mandelbrot  |
> | _____________________ ____|________                          Paul
> Derbyshire
> | Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
> |
Linux Cat

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