Someone else on the list is attempting to dothe same thing as myself.

Basically, root has the ability to write files back to my DOS partitions,
whereas 'steve', my normal user does not.

This is very incovenient as it means I have to run my
client under root to allow it to write back to the buff-out file (located
in /mnt/D/Utilities/

I'd like to do two things:

Give 'steve' permission to write to this drectory. My attempts at chmod'ing
permisions to rwxrwxrwx as root have failed - no change in permissions.

Run dnetc (the client) from the user 'steve' and have it
run with root permisssions. I've chown'd it to root, I've performed a
'chmod +s dnetc' and I've changed the owner of the directory it live in to
root. No joy - it still runs with 'steve' permissions. The only way I can
get it to run with root's permissions is to su to root and then fire it up.

I'm missing something obvious out, and I can't for the life of me, see it!

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

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