I think I've replied to a list mesasge and sent it to you by accident....
or something! I need a lie down! :)

Someone, I forget who, pointed out that mounting DOS partitions with the
user keyword in fstab should allow ANY userid on the box to write to them,
I was exclaiming that it sounds just about right to solve my problem of
being able to save files to my DOS partitions as root, but not as my normal
non-privelleged userid. Maybe you might nied to do something similar when
you mount your burner - after all, I guess you can burn to it as root, but
not as "normal" user.

I do recall someone who sounded knowledable (Denis?) on Friday saying
burning should always be done by root anyway, to ensure underruns don't
occur (or something!). However, at the moment, I can mount DOS partitions
but only root can write to them. You can mount your burner but only root
can write to it.... yeah?

If I can get this DOS partition mount to work for all users, it'll probably
be adaptable to your burner question.....

Am I making any sense? :)

Steve Flynn
IBM MVS Operations Analyst

Mike Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 21/02/2000 13:55:19

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
Subject:  RE: [newbie] Permissions to /mnt

Hi Steve!

Pardon my ignorance, but give what a shot?

My interest is because whilst I have our burner working
correctly under linux as root I have so far been unable
to burn as a normal user and perhaps I may get an
inkling as to what to do from your "bingo" :-)


Michael Perry.
R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
<<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent:   Mon 21 February 2000 14:07
> Subject:     Re: [newbie] Permissions to /mnt
> Bingo!
> I'll give this a shot tonight.
> Can someone point me to information in the man pages about this - I have
> beenthrough everything I can think of and readas much as I could, but I
> guess I must have missed it. How did you guys figure this out? (You're
> going to say "We clicked 'HELP'in LinuxConf" aren't you!)
> Steve Flynn
> IBM MVS Operations Analyst

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