On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 20:01:38 -0700,Chuck said to Steve

>You will of course let the list know how you solve this (thinking
>optimistically I am). Actually I'm shocked that more users don't seem
>to have the need to write to vfat partitions! 
>Good luck Steve.
>On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, you wrote:
>> I've been using LinuxConfto set my fstab file up. It all mounts, without
>> problems. Even got the CD-burner to mount after working out it was sr0.
>> Trouble is, only root has write permissions to everything. 'steve' only has
>> read permissions to the vfat mounted partitons. I think I can get around
>> this buy mounting them with uid=500 and gid=500 in the mount options in

Fri, 18 Feb 2000  03:32:22

If I don't really understand the question, forgive me guys, but I just
set my Mandrake 6.1 to  Both read and write to Vfat W95a partition and
it will write to MS windows as $ user....

As Chuck hinted, I had a need to transfer files both ways as I have no
suitable Modem for Linux and must do all my online projects in W95a
for now...

None of the procedures that I found on the "how to's" or websites
seemed to work at all...so I took a procedure for mounting a CD ROM
and country boy hacked it for my purposes.

#mkdir  /mnt/vfat
#chmod 777 /mnt/vfat

#pico /etc/fstab

add a line in /etc/fstab  (I used the stuff that was already there as
a sort of guide)

/dev/hda1        /mnt/vfat       user,noauto    0 0

choose write and exit...pico will ask for a file name...dont try to
manufacture one...instead choose  list...it will show a list...select
from that and it will write  about a dozen lines..

>From there I went to startx as $ user and hit the Icon and for the
first time I got my windows system W95a.....I transferred several meg
of files up to Linux and wrote a few back as a test..it worked

also the hda1     2gW95 drive started showing up in df with a line of
data like the Linux drives do.

Disclaimer:;;; I gave no thought to security here as my box does not
reach outside lines and I am the only operator....it seems like it
could be a breach to set permissions like this?

If I did not understand the question, and this is a simplistic answer
I apologize...I have only been a Linux expert for two days..<G>

Olly P.

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