> I've been using LinuxConfto set my fstab file up. It all mounts, without
> problems. Even got the CD-burner to mount after working out it was sr0.
> Trouble is, only root has write permissions to everything. 'steve' only has
> read permissions to the vfat mounted partitons. I think I can get around
> this buy mounting them with uid=500 and gid=500 in the mount options in
> fstab. Hwever, suppose this was a "real" system, with say 10 other
> group-id's. Only people in group 500 (my group) would then have write
> access - yes? What about the guys in group 501 or 765?
> There must be another way to permit all users, irrespective of group or
> user id to write to these partitons, but I'll be buggered if I can find it!
> Of course, I'm back at work now, so I can't just have a look! :(
> Steve Flynn
> IBM MVS Operations Analyst
I think the option you are looking for is "user".  That's what I'm using
and I can do everything I need as a user.  mount, unmount, read, write,
execute etc.

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