I knew that was the RPM you needed, because I had been missing the same file as 
you! But I go through a process when finding a dependecy. First I go to
rpmfind.net and go search for the name of whatever I happen to be missing that
day. Then if that gives a no go (like in this case, there is no iostream.h.rpm
file) then I fire up Google Linux (http://google.com/linux) and search for it
there. That usually works. So next time you're missing a file, just check those

> > You can download the file here:
> > 
> Anthony, thanks very much, your suggestion did the trick!  How did you
> know this was the rpm I needed - did you just do a search at rpmfind.net
> for iostreams.h?  I hate having to ask for help with problems like this
> and would like to know how to find out what it is I need - but again,
> I'm not a C programmer and don't really wanna learn C.  At least not
> now.  Perl, maybe :-)
> Also, it's even more confusing because I had the -3 version of the above
> installed.  Very strange.  
> dave w

Anthony Huereca
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