On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Just for information why isn't it possible to simply decline to open large
> attachments (not that I make a habit of sending them) , I open very few
> attachments of any kind on security principle unless I know where they come
> from.

Opening the attachment is different from downloading it.   I have a cron job
set to kickoff fetchmail every so often and download all messages in all
accounts. Since this email account is only used for a few mailing lists, I did
not set a size limit in the .fetchmailrc file.  

>  Placing on the web, I wouldn't know where and have forgotten how I obtained
> it in the first place except I think it was one of the anti-microsoft sites.

If I read the above correctly, you did not post it to a web site, since you did
not know who to give credit to. If you did not know what restrictions were
placed on copying and distribution by the original author/artist/performer, why
would you think that email was any different from a website posting?

> Of course I am utterly spoilt using a 2mb bandwidth and can well remember 

Some of us live in internet hell no cable modems, no dsl, just a plain old
modem over crappy telephone lines, which get a 26400 connection at best.
(Although the telco says dsl is coming soon).

> the frustrations of slow downloads however in  this kind of scenario there 
> is, like sex & violence on TV, an easy solution, its called the off switch 
> or in computerese the mouse click -  lo and behold the problem is gone. 

Not quite the same.  Content is not the same as size. I often choose what to
download  based upon the size of the file. This was forced upon me. While I
could have set my configuration file to block the download, I chose not to,
based on the fact that this email address is mostly used for a few mailing
lists where folks are usually well behaved.  Sometimes size does matter...

> Please feel free to enlighten me further if there is some aspect of this I  
> have misunderstood since my one object was to lighten up peoples lives a  
> little (not stir up the hornets nest--- well one hornet anyway,again that's  
> not directed at you of course)

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the clip. I even downloaded an updated mp3
player so my wife could listen to it on her windows machine. I would have just
prefered to choose to download it, rather than having it sent to me without

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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