On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Hum... Well when I open it it isn't just slow it gets to the point where it
> just isn't responding, I assumed it was a bug in linux as far as RAM
> utilization went.  By not responding I mean I'll move the mouse and it will
> take about 3 seconds for it to *jump* to the location I moved it to.  It is
> really annoying.
> Just out of curiosity should linux run as smoothly as win98 as far as
> opening apps, and moving the app window across the screen or is it naturally
> jumpy and something I should get used to.
> Thanks,
> Charles Ulwelling

I have seen many different replies to this posting regarding Linux "slow
reaction time" on this particular system in question.  I know that Linux is
hella lot faster than any Win machine ever could think about being, so there
is obviously a problem with the setup on this machine.  I normally use about 29
meg memory on boot.  I have amd k6-400 with 256 meg ram, from what I have read,
the only memory that your Linux box is actually using is what is buffered at
the moment.  Now, don't quote me on this cause I am no expert, but I have read
many memory optimization tips and tweaks for the Linux system.  Have a look at
this link http://www.mandrakeuser.org/admin/aproc.html#Mem  .
And you may want to search around that site, very good information can be found
there.  You probably want to chase down all of your running processes and se
whats taking up more memory than it should.  Linux starts many services on
install that you may or may not need.  Try turning off the ones that you will
never utilize.  Also, I have found that if you are dual booting with Windows
that more problems can arise.  And in all reality......Why do you even need
Windows when you have Linux?  Linux can do everything that a Win box can do and
even so much more, better, and faster.  Sometimes though the initial setup may 
be a bit more aggravating in the beginning, but once you have the harmony
between hardware and software, you'll be amazed.

ICQ: 68275472
Still learning this thing...

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