The culprit is the file.

It somehow either leaks memory, or mismanages the resources.

At 12:21 AM 4/13/00 -0400, you wrote:
>this will happen, it is not very well written(netscape) however when the new
>version comes out it wont happen. If you have a cpu monitor applet on your
>task bar, youll see that when you load netscape it rapes your cpu usage, if
>you have a slow processor then this probably just conributes to you problem
>Jason Carson
>ICQ: 35152653
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Valjean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:46 AM
>Subject: [newbie] Problems
> >   I have a "freshly" installed system, so no extra software has been
> > installed except the Mandrake 7.0 install.  When I use Netscape in xwin,
> > it will work, then suddenly will stop.  I mean the page will stay on the
> > screen but when you click on a link, nothing happens.  It just stays
> > there. Shut Netscape down, and then try to bring it back up, and nothing
> > happens, it merely "shrugs off" the attempt.
> >   Now, if I bring up a virtual terminal and look in the .netscape
> > directory, there is a blinking file called lock.  Delete this and netscape
> > loads fine...for a while..  Ideas, thoughts on how to clear this up?
> >
> > and why does X freeze all the time?
> > it will work fine for a while, then I'll leave for work, with no apps
> > running, 8 hours later I'll come back home and low and behold x will have
> > frozen, pressing keys on the keyboard don't work, the mouse won't move the
> > pointer, nothing.  I have to restart the computer.
> >  Valjean
> >

Zulfiqar Naushad
ICQ: 6001618

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