Hello everyone...
I have installed Mandrake 7.0 a week ago...
 I just have a small question..
 I heard things about Linux like "Rock Solid" and
What i noted is that Mandrake 7.0 crashes just like
Windows!!! Yes... Its crashes are much less than
Windows! but.. It crashes!!! It crashed about 4 times
this week!! (windows crashes at a rate of 3 times/day!
so Linux is better!)

well... here are the crashes!
KDE: I was opening 2 windows of Netscape. And
suddenly, the whole system freezed! I just could move
the mouse! but i can't do anything! I had to press
ctrl+alt+backspace to log out! and it worked!
KDE: I pressed Log Out, the screen turned black, and i
couldn't Do any thing! i had to press "Reset"
Xfce3: It was my first time to even see it! i just
used it for 15 seconds!! :) i pressed the button with
the penguin, and the whole system freezed!! I had to
press "reset"
Gnome: I was just moving around... It suddenly made a
GPF, and told me that this may be due to a bug, and
they gave some email to report at! (this is not really
serious, as it didn't really crash the system!)

Now, the point is... I am NOT upset of all these
crashes!! :)
I am used to them from the old days of Windows!
Windows taught me lots of things! when the system
crashes, I just grin and coldly press the "Reset"

The point is... Why do people say that linux is "ROCK
SOLID"?? it is NOT "rock solid"! It is just," more
solid than Windows!"
I was just wondering!! :)

Thank you...

Mohamed Saad

Note: All my hardware is supported under linux, in
case u r wondering!! :)

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