On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Mohamed Saad wrote:

> well... here are the crashes!
> KDE: I was opening 2 windows of Netscape. And
> suddenly, the whole system freezed! I just could move
> the mouse! but i can't do anything! I had to press
> ctrl+alt+backspace to log out! and it worked!

well that means your linux still worked and not crash.
just one application crashed, it was X problem.

> KDE: I pressed Log Out, the screen turned black, and i
> couldn't Do any thing! i had to press "Reset"
> Xfce3: It was my first time to even see it! i just
> used it for 15 seconds!! :) i pressed the button with
> the penguin, and the whole system freezed!! I had to
> press "reset"

next time try to log from another console and kill the X.

> Gnome: I was just moving around... It suddenly made a
> GPF, and told me that this may be due to a bug, and
> they gave some email to report at! (this is not really
> serious, as it didn't really crash the system!)

try to reconfigure your X server.
run Xconfigurator or XF86setup.
make sure you choose properly

> The point is... Why do people say that linux is "ROCK
> SOLID"?? it is NOT "rock solid"! It is just," more
> solid than Windows!"
> I was just wondering!! :)

sure linux is ROCK solid.
my school server runs with linux and it have 2 year uptime now.


During the voyage of life, remember to keep an eye out for a fair wind; batten
down during a storm; hail all passing ships; and fly your colors proudly.

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