Mohamed Saad wrote:
>  I heard things about Linux like "Rock Solid" and
> so...
It is -- when properly configured.

> What i noted is that Mandrake 7.0 crashes just like
> Windows!!! Yes... Its crashes are much less than
> Windows! but.. It crashes!!! It crashed about 4 times
> this week!! (windows crashes at a rate of 3 times/day!
> so Linux is better!)
> well... here are the crashes!
> KDE: I was opening 2 windows of Netscape. And
> suddenly, the whole system freezed! I just could move
> the mouse! but i can't do anything! I had to press
> ctrl+alt+backspace to log out! and it worked!
> KDE: I pressed Log Out, the screen turned black, and i
> couldn't Do any thing! i had to press "Reset"
> Xfce3: It was my first time to even see it! i just
> used it for 15 seconds!! :) i pressed the button with
> the penguin, and the whole system freezed!! I had to
> press "reset"

It looks like your X server is crashing. This problem is with X, though
I don't have the first idea where to look for a solution.

I don't think the problem is with the Linux kernel. Did killing the X
server fail?

> Gnome: I was just moving around... It suddenly made a
> GPF, and told me that this may be due to a bug, and
> they gave some email to report at! (this is not really
> serious, as it didn't really crash the system!)

This is Gnome "crashing", not Linux. Gnome is not as stable as KDE.
> Now, the point is... I am NOT upset of all these
> crashes!! :)
> I am used to them from the old days of Windows!
> Windows taught me lots of things! when the system
> crashes, I just grin and coldly press the "Reset"
> button!

Not a desirable thing if you are using the ext2 filesystem =(
> The point is... Why do people say that linux is "ROCK
> SOLID"?? it is NOT "rock solid"! It is just," more
> solid than Windows!"

It is rock solid when configured properly. You shouldn't be experiencing

> Note: All my hardware is supported under linux, in
> case u r wondering!! :)

So it all works?

What is your hardware, by the way?


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