andy wrote:

> I saw something in a magazine this month (PC World (UK version), I think)
> for something called Exceed from a company called Hummingbird.
> The trick here was someone had both Windows AND Linux running
> simultaneously, Linux was on a 'Dumb Box', and the Exceed software allowed
> the user to have both a Windows desktop and a Linux one. The software is
> about  £20 and you can get an 'Evaluation Disc' from  (No, that
> ISN'T a typo, that is the address!!).
> I'm not yet experienced enough with Linux to go for this yet, but certainly
> in a couple of months, it sounds just the thing I could use..anyone seen
> this or had any experience with it?

Used Exceed from Hummingbird, which I believe is a Canadian company, on Solaris
and it worked fine.  This was in 97, though; therefore, there may have been
some changes or enhancements. is the same as it was in 97.  Check out the web site to learn more
about the tool and do some searches on the internet for reviews, such as at



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