I am running Exceed right now.  It is great, but it only a Xwindows client,
it doesn't allow you do have run both operating systems as such.  You are
right, if you have linux(UNIX) running on another box you can connect
through Exceed and run Linux applications directly on a Win98/NT box.  It
connects through a telnet session same as any other telnet session.  The
difference is it creates an Xsession for you so that display can be exported
and stuff like that.  

With that said, it is a terrific product, but I am not sure if its exactly
what you may think it is?

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 11:13 AM
> Subject:      Re: [newbie] running windows in linux
> I saw something in a magazine this month (PC World (UK version), I think)
> for something called Exceed from a company called Hummingbird.
> The trick here was someone had both Windows AND Linux running
> simultaneously, Linux was on a 'Dumb Box', and the Exceed software allowed
> the user to have both a Windows desktop and a Linux one. The software is
> about  £20 and you can get an 'Evaluation Disc' from www2.hcl.com  (No,
> that
> ISN'T a typo, that is the address!!).
> I'm not yet experienced enough with Linux to go for this yet, but
> certainly
> in a couple of months, it sounds just the thing I could use..anyone seen
> this or had any experience with it?
> Cheers
> Andy

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