This sounds like a pcanywhere type interface threw telnet
between Linux and windows98.  Is that right?  If so I 
could really use this type of interface.  If it's not, is
there another piece of software like this?  Is there a site
to read more or download and try?  I tried the hummingbird 
site but did not get much specifications or info just hype.

Thanx in advanced


> I am running Exceed right now.  It is great, but it only a Xwindows clien=
> t,
> it doesn't allow you do have run both operating systems as such.  You are
> right, if you have linux(UNIX) running on another box you can connect
> through Exceed and run Linux applications directly on a Win98/NT box.  It
> connects through a telnet session same as any other telnet session.  The
> difference is it creates an Xsession for you so that display can be expor=
> ted
> and stuff like that. =20
> With that said, it is a terrific product, but I am not sure if its exactl=
> y
> what you may think it is?
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       andy [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Tuesday, April 18, 2000 11:13 AM
> > Subject:    Re: [newbie] running windows in linux
> >=20
> > I saw something in a magazine this month (PC World (UK version), I thin=
> k)
> > for something called Exceed from a company called Hummingbird.
> >=20
> > The trick here was someone had both Windows AND Linux running
> > simultaneously, Linux was on a 'Dumb Box', and the Exceed software allo=
> wed
> > the user to have both a Windows desktop and a Linux one. The software i=
> s
> > about  =A320 and you can get an 'Evaluation Disc' from  (N=
> o,
> > that
> > ISN'T a typo, that is the address!!).
> >=20
> > I'm not yet experienced enough with Linux to go for this yet, but
> > certainly
> > in a couple of months, it sounds just the thing I could use..anyone see=
> n
> > this or had any experience with it?
> >=20
> > Cheers
> >=20
> > Andy

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