> This sounds like a pcanywhere type interface threw telnet
> between Linux and windows98.  Is that right?

Sort of.

A quick review of the X standard. We often think of X as the "gui" for
Unix, and while that's certainly part of what it does, X is essentially
a terminal protocol. Back in the day when computing capacity was still
scarce, people used X terminals to work in a GUI environment of off a
server (and in many places, this still happens).

If anything, the pcAnywhere idea stems from X.

What you want to find is an Xterminal application for Win32 like micro
xterm or something (or like the aforementioned Exceed). Using one of
these applications to log into a Unix machine running an X server, you
would have actual X windows pop up in your Windows session. This would
be not unlike what happens when you run Windows applications in OS/2
native mode.

Have said this, I should note that it's bloody slow (unless your Linux
machine is fast and you are on a swift network), so only do this if you
have patience. I understand what would motivate many new users to take
this approach, though, since they can retain access to the tools and
interfaces they understand while learning to use and administer Unix
(whatever flavour they choose to use).


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