>What you want to find is an Xterminal application for Win32 like micro
>xterm or something (or like the aforementioned Exceed). Using one of
>these applications to log into a Unix machine running an X server, you

One minor nit. In the X world, the "server" is the program which
performs the drawing services (the xterminal), and the "client" is the
program which requests the picture to be drawn.

So, if you have an X session running on Windows and are connected to a
Unix/Linux/Something else host running some program, then the X server
is the program on the Windows machine and the X client is the program on
the host. For example, if I run Exceed on my Windows machine and have a
gimp window showing from my Linux box, then Exceed is the X server and
gimp is the X client. I.e., gimp requests that a circle be displayed
with thus and so characteristics, and Exceed acknowledges the command an
draws a circle within the limits of the video display.

It's very confusing because the "client program" is actually running on
what we normally think of as the "server host" while the "server
program" is running on what we normally think of as the "client
workstation." 90% of the time this is meaningless hair splitting, but
occasionally this is a critical distinction to understand. It's sure
sent me in circles a few times.


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