Mike Corbeil wrote:

> Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > Mike....correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the guy who's
> > been telling some folks in this list that their questions aren't
> > appropriate for this forum and to go ask them in the expert
> > list?  Well I think that your response in this thread (quoted
> > below) was not appropriate for the newbie list.  The remedy here
> > was very simple and your four rambling paragraphs have simply
> > served to confuse the issue.
> >
> Not really, but then maybe I've been accustomed to less than trivial for longer
> than I can recall.  When I first started learning about computers and
> programming, my ramble wouldn't have caused any problems, but then I also had a
> few years of math and physics behind me.  Nonetheless, if I think back to before
> that, then I wouldn't have been put off by a more thorough explanation.  Heck, my
> father wanted me to help him remodel the house when I was a mere 8 years old;
> therefore, I've been held to above normal expectations for decades.
> If you're confused, then don't think that this means that everyone else who's a
> newbie would also be confused.  As I recall in school, in every course, at every
> level, not everyone was equally comfortable with the material.
> What I prefer to do when I find an answer or document too complicated, is to
> stick with the one I was more comfortable with, as long as it works.  Otherwise,
> I just ask questions for clarification.
> We're not communicating between people in grade 1 of elementary school, here;
> therefore, expect some people to provide more thorough answers.  When you don't
> like it, move on.  If newbies seeking help scream in panic, then this will
> definitely help to indicate that what you say is true, but as it is, you're
> pretending to be able to speak for them, instead of letting them speak for
> themselves.
> As a relative newbie to Linux systems administration, but not to Unix and
> programming, I presented information I learned as a newbie to Linux systems
> administration, and based on this, the additional info wasn't out of context.
> Besides, newbies also need to learn the system and some will catch on very
> quickly, while those who don't, can either ask for clarification, or stick with
> the simpler responses they've received.
> How complicated do you want to make this?
> Some people in the newbie list have already proven that they're not newbie; only
> to installing Linux and only in some respects, more in some and less in others.
> By providing more thorough information in a newbie mailing list, as well as more
> elementary answers, this satisfies the entire group.  If you're not happy with an
> answer which is correct, then skip.  If you're not happy with an answer which is
> not 100% correct, but along the correct line(s), then correct the errors.
> This mailing list is for learning, as far as I'm aware, because getting help
> inherently implies learning.  Part of accepting to learn is accepting to make
> errors or mistakes, and to learn from these.
> Why treat people like babies, instead of giving them something to chew on?
> People using this list to get help for their employment should subscribe to
> professional support mailing lists or resources; therefore, I don't perceive
> these mailing lists except for the much more general audience, including
> hobbiests.  My case is neither of these, but instead merely learning, to merely
> become more marketable, kind of like going to school, but without the tuition
> fees and the piece of paper at the end.  You'll find people using these mailing
> lists for various reasons, but you seem to only want to reduce or restrict to
> people who are 100% newbie to computing, which is not the reality.
> If you wish to share more about your pedagogical philosophies or approaches, then
> feel free.  However, I wouldn't bother based on this thread, because what
> I presented is not really above the newbie level.  Again, I learned it during my
> newbie phase to Linux systems administration, but then I tend to spend a fair
> amount of time reading ahead and reading various documentation I come across and
> which might be even remotely related.  Just because others don't do this, doesn't
> mean that this approach isn't relevant to people at the newbie level.
> Baby food is nourishing, but it's usually more nourshing when there's an adequate
> amount of vitamins and minerals.
> I'm not knocking the response to set umask to 0 for the dos partitions, in the
> fstab file, but also didn't present anything above newbie level.  Hence,
> argumentation or discourse.
> mike

    I've been watching your posts for the last couple of days.  You know, sometimes
it's just good to add a couple of lines to a post if you think you can help, you
don't have to write a novel every time someone says 'help'.  That's about as helpful
as reading a howto.  I have to agree with Alan here, you're not only rambling, you
somehow seem to think that you're the only one with anything valid to say.  You've
jumped on other people's answers to questions - patronizing the answers that are
given.  You seem to be a pretty knowledgeable guy, and I think you do come up with
some pretty good answers - maybe you could just calm down a bit?  Not everything has
to be confrontational.

another Mike

The Penguins are coming!!!

Michael Holt

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