Excuse me, I'm not quite sure what planet you come from, but I for one am about sick of
your mouth!  If there's anything more you care to add, I'm sure that you can find my
personal address on this message somewhere; I'm absolutely POSITIVE that this is not 
place to continue this.


Mike Corbeil wrote:

> Now, that's a prime example of an ignorant ass who hasn't a clue about true reality.
> Thanks for the illustration, because I prefer to provide analogies based on real
> examples.
> Your pompous interpretations and renditions are worthy of only yourself, and you're a
> fucking hypocrite, because if you had something truly worthy of saying, then it
> wouldn't be based on pompeity.
> >  You've
> > jumped on other people's answers to questions - patronizing the answers that are
> > given.
> How did I patronize?  That's only your assinine pompous interpretation, but it's
> refreshing to see how assinine people do continue to exist.  Be pompous.  Believe 
> interpretations are correct with giving a second thought wrt objectivity.  You'll 
> the theory accurate every time.
> > You seem to be a pretty knowledgeable guy, and I think you do come up with
> > some pretty good answers - maybe you could just calm down a bit?  Not everything 
> > to be confrontational.
> Who's confrontational, pompous idiots who believe they have the entire definition of
> people they don't even know, or those who merely propose more information, or
> information along a different tangent?  Stick with your [stupid] nonsensical ideas of
> what you believe to be reality, and if you truly want to see the results of objective
> analysis, then I'm prepared to stand in front of the most objective and sound 
> on this planet, to confront the likes of a pompous idiot like yourself.
> I haven't a problem with that.  Although, they might find me a little offensive or 
> frank, they'ld quickly realize that "ah, reality is not a narrowly defined picture", 
> you obviously like to define it.  Get this dude, your narrow minded definitions of 
> makes up reality and what doesn't, hasn't a single ounce of influence, because you're
> pompous, and a damned idiot.
> Just call me FRANK.  I CHERISH being FRANK; therefore, shove it where it belongs, 
> is, your stupid assinine opinion.
> If you wish more such replies, then by all means, I have no contentions with respect 
> telling you REALITY.
> Grow the f.ck up.
> truly,
> mike
> >
> >
> > another Mike
> >
> > --
> > ========================================================
> > The Penguins are coming!!!
> >
> > ========================================================
> > Michael Holt

The Penguins are coming!!!

Michael Holt

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