
  I have several internet user-name accounts.  When I use one of which
to connect
as root or as a normal user every thing is OK, in another account ,when
I try connectting
to the Internet as root every thing is OK, but if I try logging in as a
normal user I get disconnected from the server and then I receive  the
following message:
            The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!

  Can anyone  help me solve the problem?


...._/_/_/_/.._/..... _/._/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/ _/......_/._/_/_/_/..
.........Gustavo Halperin...........................................................
.....Paradigm Geophysical..............\\\Y///.................................
[EMAIL PROTECTED]\\ ^ ^ //................................
.........972-9-9709318..................(/ @ @ \)..............................

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