Hi --

Don't know if this will solve the problem, but I too had the message "The pppd daemon 
died unexpectedly."  Tried NOAUTH, 
and it didn't work.  What DID work was greatly increasing the timeout from 60 to 600 

On Wed, 05 Jul 2000 23:10:31 -0500, toyswins wrote:

>Answered this on another string I think, but used both and terminal
>based also.  Results are gibberish on connect.  Something isn't right or
>I'd get back legible data.  I think that's probably the only hurdle left
>for my end then it'd work fine.  Also, if I can figure out Earthlink,
>then I can work on my other ISP, S. W. Bell.
>Thanks for the hint, got to checking them out just today...good
>B. B. Stanfield III
>kdm wrote:
>> What kind of authentification are using?
>> Have you tried changing PAP or CHAP?
>> On Wed, 05 Jul 2000, you wrote:
>> > Well, sorry but having to revert to you folks for help.  Get this
>> > message on dialing so the other end is hanging up immediately on
>> > connect.  I've checked the various files in the HOWTO's and all seems
>> > fine.  Used KPPP 1.6.22 as the dialer and to set up the system.  pppd is
>> > 2.3.8 so I've provided the full fault message below.
>> >
>> > I've reloaded the entire Linux Mandrake 6.5 two times, no changes.  All
>> > the startup files load okay.  As root, it's a pretty system, but hit
>> > this glitch.
>> >
>> > pppd 2.3.8 started by root, uid0
>> > Using interface ppp0
>> > Connect ppp0<--->/dev/ttyS1
>> > Hangup (SIGHUP)
>> > Modemhangup
>> > Connection terminated.
>> > Exit
>> >
>> > This is what I understand so far: The modem is found, dials and gets a
>> > machine on the other end.  The other machine then immediately initiated
>> > a disconnect, (SIGHUP), then it disconnects at my end, gives me the
>> > error message.
>> >
>> > ISP is S. W. Bell.  I've got the ADSL on the Windows system going fine,
>> > but it dies now and then, also I travel and need access from other
>> > locations.  The dialup on LINUX would be really handy, if I could get it
>> > to work.  I know there's either a bug or three and need to update to
>> > something or I've got some configuration problem.  Either way, I've
>> > looked at it so long I'm not seeing it.  Pointers????
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > B. B. Stanfield III
>> > KC5PIY
>> --
>> ...........,   _____  ___ _______  ____    ____   ,
>> ...........|\  \    |/  / \      \ \   \/\/   /  /|
>> [K][D][M]=== >  |      <   |  [] |  | ^    ^ |  < ===[K][D][M]
>> ...........|/  /____|\__\ /______/ /__|\__/|__\  \|
>> ...........'                                      '

Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Phone: [216] 687-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7175

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