On Wed, 05 Jul 2000, Steve Elliott wrote:
> A guy a few days back had a similar prob i think and the advice was to
> shove NOAUTH into the /etc/ppp.options file - or something similar - can
> someone correct me if i am wrong ? Please ..
> toyswins wrote:
> > 
> > Well, sorry but having to revert to you folks for help.  Get this
> > message on dialing so the other end is hanging up immediately on
> > connect.  I've checked the various files in the HOWTO's and all seems
> > fine.  Used KPPP 1.6.22 as the dialer and to set up the system.  pppd is
> > 2.3.8 so I've provided the full fault message below.
> > 
> > I've reloaded the entire Linux Mandrake 6.5 two times, no changes.  All
> > the startup files load okay.  As root, it's a pretty system, but hit
> > this glitch.
> > 
> > pppd 2.3.8 started by root, uid0
> > Using interface ppp0
> > Connect ppp0<--->/dev/ttyS1
> > Hangup (SIGHUP)
> > Modemhangup
> > Connection terminated.
> > Exit
> > 
> > This is what I understand so far: The modem is found, dials and gets a
> > machine on the other end.  The other machine then immediately initiated
> > a disconnect, (SIGHUP), then it disconnects at my end, gives me the
> > error message.
> > 
> > ISP is S. W. Bell.  I've got the ADSL on the Windows system going fine,
> > but it dies now and then, also I travel and need access from other
> > locations.  The dialup on LINUX would be really handy, if I could get it
> > to work.  I know there's either a bug or three and need to update to
> > something or I've got some configuration problem.  Either way, I've
> > looked at it so long I'm not seeing it.  Pointers????
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > B. B. Stanfield III
> > KC5PIY

Might also want to increase the timeout on the modem,,,,perhaps to 60.   Tom

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