Bob....oops!  I forgot about choosing your icon using the icon
picture button while you're in the Execute tab page, sorry!


Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Bob....instead of dragging the netscape shell script icon onto
> the desktop and choosing link do this:
> 1) right-click the desktop.
> 2) choose New
> 3) choose Application
> 4) name it what you want , but leave the kdelnk part after the
> dot alone.
> 5) choose the Execute tab
> 6) put /usr/bin/netscape in the upper (not the lower one)
> Execute field.
> 7) choose the ok button
> Alan
> Bob wrote:
> >
> > Paul,
> >         Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, created a
> > link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens one
> > for xrpm and one for the big "N"?????  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on
> > the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel.
> >
> > On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
> > > On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
> > >
> > > >Soooo, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
> > > >desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
> > > >Eunice
> > >
> > > Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
> > > Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
> > > when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)
> > >
> > > Paul

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