Bob....I've heard of that happening before, though I don't
know why, but there is a workaround.

Let's say that the new icon on root's Desktop is named
Program.kdelnk and that you're logged in as bob and are in the
KDE gui.  Open Konsole (on the Panel) and su - (don't forget
the 'space dash' after su) to the root account.  Then type:

 cp ./Desktop/Program.kdelnk /home/bob/Desktop/

and close the Konsole.  Open KFM [filemanager (as superuser)]
in the Utilities Menu.  Navigate to bob's desktop and
right-click on Program.kdelnk.  Choose the Permissions tab and
change the ownership of both Owner and Group to bob.  Close
the KFM window and the new icon on bob's desktop should now
work (if it hasn't yet appeared then right-click the desktop
and choose Refresh Desktop).  


Bob wrote:
> Alan,
>         I did that and it worked just great in my /root directory.  I am
> attempting to do the same in /Bob, however as I right click on the desttop and
> then New, all I get is a popup, named "folder"??
> On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
> > Bob....instead of dragging the netscape shell script icon onto
> > the desktop and choosing link do this:
> >
> > 1) right-click the desktop.
> > 2) choose New
> > 3) choose Application
> > 4) name it what you want , but leave the kdelnk part after the
> > dot alone.
> > 5) choose the Execute tab
> > 6) put /usr/bin/netscape in the upper (not the lower one)
> > Execute field.
> > 7) choose the ok button
> >
> > Alan
> >
> >
> > Bob wrote:
> > >
> > > Paul,
> > >         Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, created a
> > > link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens one
> > > for xrpm and one for the big "N"?????  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on
> > > the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel.
> > >
> > > On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
> > > > On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >Soooo, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
> > > > >desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
> > > > >Eunice
> > > >
> > > > Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
> > > > Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
> > > > when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)
> > > >
> > > > Paul

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