On Mon, 29 May 2000, Rammage wrote:

>Hey there, my apologies for not lurking a while before posting a question, 
>but I have an easy newbie question concerning distributed computing.  I 
>recently installed Madrake 7.0 on a P166 w/ 32 M running KDE with a 
>"normal" configuration.  Until I get a web-server up and running, I 
>downloaded and installed the SETI@Home distributed computing project to run 
>alongside my Wintel PCs.  While doing a "top" today, I noticed that my CPU 
>utilization was up around 98% and my memory was topping out at around 40%.

I am running the Seti thing since a while. First did it on Windoze, now I
run it on Mandrake 7.02. WIth my machine too it TOP's at 97%, and I run it
with "nice" at 19. I have not had any problems with it. I think if you do
not overclock your system and you have your cooling fan in place -and
working-, you're fine. My machine (P II - 400Mhz) does not complain.


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