Hi Ot,

I don't know if this is what you are looking for but if you look at the
KDE control Center under the desktop icon, there is a section called
DPMS.  I am not sure if it is what you are looking for, but you can
enable that and it has standby, suspend, off time and a slider to choose
the time, and a test button for each.

Hope that helps,

Ot Ratsaphong wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've just joined the list and have been lurking for the last week just to
> get a feel for the list.
> I emphathise with Richard but I don't think the list is worthless. I'm still
> searching for a list that I can relate to. I'm still hoping I can get some
> help from this list. I'll do help others with what I know.
> I've just upgraded form Mandrake 6.1 to Mandrake 7.0 and have been playing
> around with it for the last week.
> One thing I noticed that is missing is the Screen power management system.
> Excuse me but I don't know the exect term for it. In KDE there was a desktop
> setting that would put my monitor into power-saving standby mode. With MDK
> 7.0 this feature is no longer installed by default. I don't like using the
> screensavers because essentially my monitor is still on. I would appreciate
> it if someone can tell me which package I should install and how to get that
> feature back again. Otherwise I'm considering going back to MDK 6.1 and just
> upgrading the packages that I need.
> If anyone is interested, I'm trying to see if I can make my PC completely
> Windows free. I think with MDK 7.1 I might be there.
> Ot  8^)
> --------------------------------
> Ot Ratsaphong
> Canberra, Australia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard B. Pyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday, 12 June 2000 2:53
> Subject: [newbie] Worthless email list
> It is sad that such a good product has such a worthless mailing list.
> I posted a serious install error a few days ago asking for help. I
> got one response and it was only a smart remark about the error
> message.
> I had hoped that this list was serious about helping solve problems,
> but I was obviously wrong.
> --Richard
> ------------------------------
> Richard B. Pyne, KB7RMU
> http://pyne.kinfolk.org/rbp2

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