hmmmmmmmm...looks like someone has gotten new software!


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On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, John Catral wrote:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> Paul wrote:
> > On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, John Catral wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >it points to hdc
> > >
> > >Paul wrote:
> > >
> > >> >I tried changing the auto to iso9660 and I still get the "mount:
> > >/mnt/cdrom is not a
> > >> >valid block device"  I tried all combinations (/dev/cdrom, /dev/hdc,
> > >/mnt/cdrom) and
> > >> >still the same error message.  I can mount the second cdrom though.
> > >"mount /dev/cdrom2
> > >> >/mnt/cdrom2" works but not the primary cdrom. Arerrgg!!  =( HELP!!!! =(
> > >>
> > >> ls -l /dev/cdrom
> > >>
> > >> Where does it point to then?
> >
> > Hmmm, that should be the right one.
> > The line for my CDRom in fstab is this:
> >
> > /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
> >
> > I assume that sort of matches yours. Very strange that it won't work, I
> > have not yet heard of a CDRom that won't work in Linux.
> >
> > Unlikely idea, but still: can you mount cdrom2 to /mnt/cdrom ?
> >
> > umount /mnt/cdrom
> > mount /dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom
> >
> > Just to see if there is nothing wrong with /mnt/cdrom. If that works, try
> >
> > umount /mnt/cdrom2
> > mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom2
> >
> > Curious what that would give you. Stranger things have happened...
> > Paul
> Well, i tried mounting /dev/cdrom2 to /mnt/cdrom and it worked.
> When I tried mounting /dev/cdrom to /mnt/cdrom2 I still got the same
> error.."mount:/dev/cdrom is not a valid block device"
> wahhhh! =(  Anymore tips? =(
> John

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