Hi Roman,

Hmmm...I used to have MDK7.0 installed but I am using MDK7.1 which
a button called MouseDrake to change your mouse driver. 

When you pressed Cntrl+Alt+Backspace, were you able to see your mouse
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the "WinMouse 4D+" a.k.a.

I'm gonna have to let Charles, Denis or Paul take over. How about guys?


Roman Korcek wrote:
> Hey Roman,
> Thanx very much for your reply. Though you offer solutions, they're
> not quite for my problems. I'll try to write more clearly this time.
> 1. I have a "WinMouse 4D+" a.k.a. "WWW-11". I am using the "Generic
> Mouse (PS/2)" driver. With this driver the mouse cursor sometimes
> jumps to the upper right hand corner and also behaves as if I would be
> clicking the mouse buttons. I think it is because I selected the wrong
> driver.
> How do I *change* the mouse driver, please ?
> No re-login, login as another user, login as root, login in console
> mode, login to KDE - nothing helps.
> 2. And second - I would love to access my CD-ROM, but it doesn't work.
> A copy of my fstab and mtab files is included several lines below (in
> my original mail).
> I can't mount the CD-ROM neither using (I think it was like this)
> mount -t iso9660 -o user,ro,exec /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
> nor using "supermount" as filesystem - as it was defined after
> installation.
> My CD-ROM is on secondary master, if it helps.
> If you know how to help, thanx in advance.
> Roman
> > I have MDK7.1 and noticed that when I selected Intellimouse PS/2 it jumped
> > across the top of the screen. If you encounter this, hold down the following
> > keys: Cntrl+Alt+Backspace
> > This should get you back to the kde prompt and log in again.
> > The sensitivity settings are ....well... very sensitive. Personally, I keep
> > the settings low or off.
> > Using RpmDrake
> > When using Rpmdrake:
> > A) Single click on the icon and choose the file of interest and click on the
> > install bar
> > B) You will be prompted by small window asking you to insert cdrom1.
> > C) If you do not place the installation CD in the tray, your rpm file will
> > not install
> > D) Try not to double-click too fast because it will call up an installation
> > from cdrom1, cdrom2,
> > If you have overclicked, close the cdromx windows prompt
> > Check to see if your mouse is supported on the linux-mandrakesoft.com web
> > page.
> > Roman
> > Registered Linux User 179293
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Roman Korcek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2000 6:25 AM
> > Subject: [newbie] mouse driver and CD-ROM problems
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> I am a total newbie, so, please, don't kill me for questions which might
> >> seem so easy. Thanx in advance. :-)
> >>
> >> I just installed Mandrake 7.0 and wanted to find my way round in KDE as I
> >> discovered that the mouse cursor is sometimes jumping around the screen
> >> and behaving as if I were pressing buttons, which I am not. So I tried to
> >> configure some other driver. I looked into DrakConf where I started
> >> Hardware Configuration (Lothar) but it only gave me info about the mouse,
> >> not letting me change anything. Therefore I clicked the 'K', settings,
> >> input devices, mouse, but I only can change the sensitivity (and switch
> >> left/right) there. Desperately I went into RpmDrake to look for some
> >> package which might help me. Under System Environment, Base, I found the
> >> package mouseconfig and I tried to install it. A message showed up asking
> >> me to insert the CD named installation. It was there, so I clicked OK, but
> >> it said it can't find the file and is exiting. (BTW: Funny that after the
> >> error message the mouseconfig package disappeared from the list and I had
> >> to quit and restart RpmDrake to see it.) I clicked onto the terminal
> >> emulation icon and started midnight commander from there (I know there's
> >> gotta be a better way) to look at the /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab files. I
> >> saw that the CD-ROM was configured for rw access, so I went to LinuxConf,
> >> filesystems, access local drive, clicked onto /mnt/cdrom. Tried to
> >> unmount and mount it back again several times (maybe shouldn't have done
> >> that), changed the type from supermount to iso9660 and back, changed misc,
> >> other options from fs=iso9660 to empty and back and still nothing. I can't
> >> access the CD-ROM drive under /etc/cdrom. To make things more interesting,
> >> another problem came up - now instead of trying to access the CD-ROM when
> >> accessing /etc/cdrom my floppy drive is being accessed...
> >>
> >> Can anyone please help ?
> >>
> >>
> >> Summary:
> >> 1.  How can I change the mouse driver ?
> >>
> >> 1a. What mouse driver should I select if I have a WinMouse 4D+ mouse
> >> (model WWW-11) - it has four buttons and two wheels ?  I currently have
> >> Generic Mouse (PS/2) selected - doesn't work properly.
> >>
> >> 2. What have I done wrong that when trying to access my CD-ROM
> >> (PlexWriter 8/4/32A) my floppy drive gets accessed ?
> >>
> >> My /etc/fstab looks like this:
> >>
> >> /dev/hda1 /boot vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
> >> /dev/hda5 /mnt/DOS_hda5 vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
> >> /dev/hda6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
> >> /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
> >> /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
> >> none /proc proc defaults 0 0
> >> none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> >> /mnt/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom      supermount
> > exec,dev,suid,rw,fs=iso9660 0 0
> >>
> >> --------
> >> /etc/mtab looks like this:
> >>
> >> /dev/hda6 / ext2 rw 0 0
> >> none /proc proc rw 0 0
> >> /dev/hda1 /boot vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,conv=auto 0 0
> >> /dev/hda5 /mnt/DOS_hda5 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,conv=auto 0 0
> >> /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
> >> none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode0620 0 0
> >> /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount rw,fs=iso9660 0 0
> >>
> >> --------
> >>
> >> 2a. What to do for my CD-ROM to work ?  It hasn't worked since
> > installation
> >> (I can't read iso9660 CDs).
> >>
> >> 3. Is there an easy way to change the screen refresh rate (e.g. I have
> >> 100Hz and want 85Hz) ?
> >>
> >>
> >> Sorry that the mail got so long...
> >>
> >> Thanx in advance.
> >>
> >> Roman
> >>
> >>
> Roman
note:Roman - Register Linux User #179293
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