
By the way ICUII is video camera utility and application that you can
use with your computer.

Roman Korcek wrote:
> To Dacia:
> Thanx, I will try it.
> To Paul:
> read further (and authorize me on ICQ...).
> To Roman:
> Hey Romanator,
> > Wow. It looks like a nice mouse...
> Off topic but thanx ;-)
> > Try replacing the Generic Mouse PS/2 with a Generic Serial Mouse first.
> In two earlier mails I mentioned that I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO CHANGE THE
> MOUSE DRIVER. I was asking this all the time...
> Sorry if this sounded upset. I know that I should be happy that
> someone is trying to help (thanx), but please, if you want to help,
> read what I write.
> Fortunately, yesterday a friend told me I should use "mouseconfig". So
> I tried it out and tried to change the mouse driver. However, I don't
> know if it REALLY changed the driver, because my mouse behaved weird
> with every driver I selected and everytime I started mouseconfig to
> try another driver, it always started with Generic Mouse PS/2 selected.
> BTW: I found a file /etc/sysconfig/mouse - is it just a file to read
> or does it help to edit it ?
> And concerning what you wrote - replacing the PS/2 driver with a
> serial driver - how would that work ?  I have my mouse on PS/2, so
> what would it help ?
> > If that does not work, replace it with the MS Intellimouse serial.
> Again, why selecting Serial if I have PS/2 ?
> Of course, if everything else fails I can use the adapter for the
> mouse and use it as COM, but I would have to change it in Windows. But
> I can try to see if it changes anything. I will tell you tomorrow.
> > Have you checked to see if it is a serial mouse or USB?
> It is PS/2, don't worry, I know the difference ;-)
> > I have a fairly good book on Upgrading and Repairing PCs - Linux
> > Version. I will access as much information as possible to get your mouse
> > working.
> Thank you.
> > Next we will work on the CDROM and floppy.
> > Could you provide me with some extra information:
> Before you read further, there is a mail from Dacia and AzureRose
> saying:
> > Is it a cd r/w?  If it is you have to configure it as
> > a scsi device.  Follow the CD R/W instructions on
> > this page:
> >
> >
> >
> > I tried supermount never worked so I go
> > the old fashonde way now.
> So yes, it is a CD-RW drive, I will try the instructions on the page.
> I didn't think it made a difference.
> But I still have some questions about partitions and LILO and /boot
> which I would ask, so I'll answer your questions and then ask you.
> > 1. How do you have your hard drive drive configured?
> Primary Master, 20GB, split into 2GB (let's call it c:), 16GB (d:),
> 2GB(e:). The first C: drive is the bootable one with Windows on it.
> The D: I use for my progs and stuff under Windows. The E: was split
> into Ext2 and Swap by Mandrake installation. Under Linux I have it as
> / and the C: partition is my /boot dir.
> > 2. Are you using more that one drive?
> One hard disk - Primary Master, one CD-RW - Secondary Master.
> > 5. Is you CDROM daisy chained?
> Sorry, I don't know what "daisy chained" means.
> My questions: At install time, I selected C: as my /boot dir and E: as
> the / dir. But LILO did not install saying something about cylinder
> numbers being higher than 1024. Well here I have heard that it is
> fixed in GRUB, so my question is - what should I do if I want to
> install GRUB, so that I don't have to use a boot disk anymore ?
> (Please, answer 'Newbie style')
> Second question: How can I create another bootdisk, just in case
> the old one gets bad sectors or something ?
> Third: What is actually the /boot partition and are there any rules
> where it has to point to ?
> > By the way, when you get any message, error message i.e. selecting the
> > CDROM, can you please write down the exact message.
> OK, though the proposed solution by Dacia might solve it, I'll include
> what Linux says.
> First, I changed the fstab as Paul told me to, now it is:
> /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
> After typing cd /mnt/cdrom it says:
> ide-scsi: hdc: unsupported command in request queue (0)
> isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
> ide-scsi: hdc: unsupported command in request queue (0)
> isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
> bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom: Input/output error
> > This would be a great idea to consider ICUII video for Linux. This way,
> > I could see the inside of you computer.
> What is that ICUII thing ?
> Thanx for helping,
> Roman
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