Report on the topic.  

First, thanks to those of you responding, especially those that
responded off-list.
I am summarizing early because it is abundantly clear that,
1) people did not carefully read my original post that said "respond to
me directly (off-list) and I will summarize
2) the volume of inconsequential posts on this list is overwhelming,
i.e., signal-to-noise ratio is very low

87 posts
14 unique posters
majority favor text only

only salient rationale: concern for non-US users who have to pay metered
rates to be connected to the internet.
Number of people responding who claim this as their reason: 0  (note:
people for whom this may be their reason may not deem it worth the cost
to make this case themselves.)

most common rationale: 1) that is the way it is done; 2) text only users
(very few actually use a text-only client) don't want to be bothered
with having a client that can read HTML.

Most common observation: those arguing most strenuously for text only
happen to be people who don't really offer helpful advice on the
list--they tend to be the most vitriolic.  Not true of all the text only
people, but the most vitriolic are also the least helpful.  I guess that
is only to be expected.

Most common misconception: that using HTML means filling up a message
with backgrounds, attachements, in-line jpegs or gifs or other high
bandwidth paraphernalia rather than simply the judicious use of bold and
italics (which adds VERY LITTLE to the size of a message).

Most people, by far, use mail readers capable of reading HTML.  Those
who don't are in a dwindling minority that is increasingly
marginalized.  However, even those who use HTML capable clients prefer
plain text (and as one who looks at a monitor 12 hours a day, I really
can't understand it.  The eye strain is horrific.)

This writer's opinion: If people on this list used HTML for simple
formatting, they would save their eyes, the "dinosaurs" would get over
it (but WOULD bitch and moan for a while, decrying the end of
civilization as we know it, and stocking up on canned goods gor the
coming apocalypse :-) ).  The Netiquette rules where written almost 10
years ago and have never been amended.  The same conditions simply do
not apply now.  I had my Unix epiphany in 1979.  My first "global" email
account was in 1982 (VAX) and I have been working in network computing
for over 20 years, so I have been a first-hand witness to the
evolution.  We can choose either to be hamstrung by the lowest common
denominator, like Neanderthals with stone knives and bear skins, or we
can be inspired with the greatest common factor--transfering technology
and know-how to those who are eager to absorb it.  The compelling
imperative of computing is to get more work done better, faster,
cheaper, regardless of your platform. Get it up and keep it up. Don't
eschew the tools that can help you fulfill that imperative. Reach out
and share what you know, and ask about that which you don't.

Thank you for your indulgence.
John Glasscock
Administrator & Programmer
EtherDog MultiMedia
3821 N Sugar Lane
Bloomington, IN  47404

Registered Linux User# 183536
on Registered Linux Box# 81201

"Save the world, eschew Microsoft."

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