On Sun, Jul 16, 2000 at 11:15:23PM -0500, John Glasscock wrote:
> Most common misconception: that using HTML means filling up a message
> with backgrounds, attachements, in-line jpegs or gifs or other high
> bandwidth paraphernalia rather than simply the judicious use of bold and
> italics (which adds VERY LITTLE to the size of a message).


> cheaper, regardless of your platform. Get it up and keep it up. Don't

Hmm, this does not fit.  Have you ever even looked at the size of a
HTML mail vs. a text only mail?  Right now I remember of one of those
unsubscribe emails.  It was 26 lines big, compared to a text only
unsubscribe email of only 3 lines.

If I understand you correctly, you're saying that 26 lines is only a
little bit bigger than 3 lines?

Now if everyone were to bloat their emails like this, I would have to
pay 9 times as much for being subscribed to this list.  And you are
telling that this is not much?

For the eye strains:  Right now when I'm writing that message, I see a
large black background with large white letters.  That doesn't strain
my eyes even nearly as much as those HTML capable X MUAs do.

> eschew the tools that can help you fulfill that imperative. Reach out

That's what I do, and that's why I am so strongly in favor of
text-only.  It is easier to use, cheaper, and doesn't strain the eyes
as much.

Alexander Skwar
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