I had the exact same problem! the only way I solved it was by switching
ISP's I know it sounds crazy but I did everything that the others are
telling you and all my settings were correct. I am going to college and my
school's dial up will accept pap authentication. I still don't know why my
isp wouldn't work.
Not much help I know. Let us know if you manage to fix it


--- Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a self-confessed Linux newbie, and this is my first post to the
> list; so TIA for any help. I'll try to stay in the parameters of the
> List "rules" ... And, I'll apologize, upfront, for a long post ....
> trying to add all the details...
> Just installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 ... relatively few hitches.  This is
> on a PII 350 machine w/ a generic v90 modem, 128 MB memory, ATi video
> card, etc.
> Everything works wonderfully ('cept the SoundBlaster Gold 64 ... but
> I'll save that for a different post. My big deal is that I want it to
> get online). I've been doing most all my work in the KDE env. and have
> tried various things as the admin. (root) and other logins.
> I can dial up but, *nothing* "works" online, i.e., Netscape starts fine,
> with the local page on my HDD; but, if I click on anything, like the
> link to the online Mandrake page, I get the following errors, in two
> windows:
>  Netscape: Error <2>
>   Netscape is unable to locate the server
>   www.linux.mandrake.com.
>   Please check the server name and try again.
>  Netscape: Error
>   Warning: the following hosts are unknown:
>    home.netscape.com
>    home6.netscape.com
>    internic.net
>    This means that some or all hosts will be unreachable.
>    Perhaps there is a problem with your name server?
>    <long paragraph here about, if my site must use a
>    non-root name server and the $SOCKS_NS environment
>    variable ... sounds   too hard to be the problem -- grin>
> I called my ISP, they can see that I'm validly on-line (logged in, etc),
> but no external contact works! I tried mail [KMail v 1.0.28 (w/ all the
> proper POP3 and SMTP settings)] and that errors out too. It can't find
> my mailhost, even though the tech-help guy and I checked my POP3 and
> SMTP settings (that was as far as he could go ...  he wasn't familiar w/
> Linux).
> Kppp [v 1.6.22, I think] seems to be configured fine. I am worried that
> the modem didn't work AT ALL ["modem busy"] at first and I had to use
> the system utilities [DrakConf and "Lothar" (v 0.5.3)] to find it. The
> modem is at "/dev/ttyS1" instead of "/dev/modem" is that a problem?
> Telling the dial-up program to look for the modem there works well ...
> do I need to tell Netscape and KMail that the modem is elsewhere (not in
> the "expected" <?> "dev/modem" spot) too?
> I tried a link from the Mandrake Linux page (from another computer) it
> was somewhere in FAQ-land, but I've lost the link...
> The sub-head:
> "Connection establishes, holds, but you can't get anywhere"
> had the advice that I try running "/sbin/route -n" as root, while
> offline, and said I shouldn't* see any entry starting with '' ...
> I do see such an entry (output, from the command).
> The FAQ recommended I run "/sbin/route del default" and, even logged in
> as root, the file wasn't found.
> I looked in '/etc/sysconfig/network' and there were NO lines starting
> with
> "GATEWAY or GATEWAYDEV" (something else the FAQ warned about).
> I don't want to run a webserver, or even a LAN, with this computer right
> now.  All I want to do is gain some Linux experience and browse the
> web/edit docs in a non-MicroSoft machine.
> I haven't given up, but would love some help!
> TIA, for any helpful input...
> --tim
> PS. I'm obviously not afraid to tinker and consider myself a DOS guru;
> so any commands, etc. that find a parallel in the DOS world, would
> help.....


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