Have you entered DNS addresses in /etc/resolv.conf?  If you
can get online but not move around that sounds like the
problem.  /etc/resolv.conf is like this:
search worldnet.att.net 
This is mine.  Your ISP should have given you numbers
similar to those.  And the "search ..." would point to your
ISP's domain name.


On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Tim wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm a self-confessed Linux newbie, and this is my first post to the
>list; so TIA for any help. I'll try to stay in the parameters of the
>List "rules" ... And, I'll apologize, upfront, for a long post ....
>trying to add all the details...
>Just installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 ... relatively few hitches.  This is
>on a PII 350 machine w/ a generic v90 modem, 128 MB memory, ATi video
>card, etc.  
>Everything works wonderfully ('cept the SoundBlaster Gold 64 ... but
>I'll save that for a different post. My big deal is that I want it to
>get online). I've been doing most all my work in the KDE env. and have
>tried various things as the admin. (root) and other logins.
>I can dial up but, *nothing* "works" online, i.e., Netscape starts fine,
>with the local page on my HDD; but, if I click on anything, like the
>link to the online Mandrake page, I get the following errors, in two
> Netscape: Error <2>
>  Netscape is unable to locate the server
>  www.linux.mandrake.com.
>  Please check the server name and try again.
> Netscape: Error      
>  Warning: the following hosts are unknown:     
>   home.netscape.com     
>   home6.netscape.com    
>   internic.net      
>   This means that some or all hosts will be unreachable.
>   Perhaps there is a problem with your name server?   
>   <long paragraph here about, if my site must use a
>   non-root name server and the $SOCKS_NS environment 
>   variable ... sounds   too hard to be the problem -- grin>
>I called my ISP, they can see that I'm validly on-line (logged in, etc),
>but no external contact works! I tried mail [KMail v 1.0.28 (w/ all the
>proper POP3 and SMTP settings)] and that errors out too. It can't find
>my mailhost, even though the tech-help guy and I checked my POP3 and
>SMTP settings (that was as far as he could go ...  he wasn't familiar w/
>Kppp [v 1.6.22, I think] seems to be configured fine. I am worried that
>the modem didn't work AT ALL ["modem busy"] at first and I had to use
>the system utilities [DrakConf and "Lothar" (v 0.5.3)] to find it. The
>modem is at "/dev/ttyS1" instead of "/dev/modem" is that a problem? 
>Telling the dial-up program to look for the modem there works well ...
>do I need to tell Netscape and KMail that the modem is elsewhere (not in
>the "expected" <?> "dev/modem" spot) too?
>I tried a link from the Mandrake Linux page (from another computer) it
>was somewhere in FAQ-land, but I've lost the link... 
>The sub-head: 
>"Connection establishes, holds, but you can't get anywhere"
>had the advice that I try running "/sbin/route -n" as root, while
>offline, and said I shouldn't* see any entry starting with '' ...
>I do see such an entry (output, from the command).
>The FAQ recommended I run "/sbin/route del default" and, even logged in
>as root, the file wasn't found.
>I looked in '/etc/sysconfig/network' and there were NO lines starting
>"GATEWAY or GATEWAYDEV" (something else the FAQ warned about).
>I don't want to run a webserver, or even a LAN, with this computer right
>now.  All I want to do is gain some Linux experience and browse the
>web/edit docs in a non-MicroSoft machine.
>I haven't given up, but would love some help!
>TIA, for any helpful input...
>PS. I'm obviously not afraid to tinker and consider myself a DOS guru;
>so any commands, etc. that find a parallel in the DOS world, would

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