I *LOVED* PINE in school, admittedly it was years ago, and I was just
getting used to the university server, but it was VERY fast, handy and good.
I've had some luck w/ various ISPs over the years, "trusting" me with shell
access and setting up PINE for me, but I've never gotten it to run on my own
computer < double frown! >.

Thanks to the list for MANY helpful emails ... I'll try to summarize my
successes/failures, here; then wait 2 days for it to post <sigh>.

Even with all you've all written, I think I'm only half-way there(!).

I got the "ifup ppp0" to work, only when logged on as "root" ... so I
decided to go with the advice to configure the fetchmail for use from any
logon.  When I tried to run the program ("ifup ppp0") from any other login,
I got some sort of "file not found" error.

I'd previously started PINE in root, and in the logon "palmtop" which is my
username for this email account w/ my local ISP (obviously), and let it
create its default folders.

NOTHING created a /var/spool/user/palmtop directory; I eventually made one
myself and told PINE to look there for its inbox ... Many error messages,
from both logons. "Root" logon errored out w/ PINE not being able to open
the subdirectory ... it "didn't exist" etc. and I once had a "permissions"
error w/ the "palmtop" login ... well, I did create the directory, while
logged on as "root" so I gave "palmtop" "superuser" privileges ... didn't
help any of the errors.

What was odd is that, when I ran the "open fetchmailconf" (after starting
the "ifup ppp0" from a console window as "root"), I got all sorts of "feel
good" feedback.  It seemed to find the remote mailbox and even said it got 6
messages .... Well, it read them and told me how many octets they had, I
don't remember seeing a "got 'em and here's where I put 'em" message.  I
never found where those messages went, if they came "down" to my computer at

Since I couldn't get a dialup from a pure "terminal" as "palmtop" I never
got to experiment w/ fetchmail from a user account .... well, I did try it
once, to see if it would force a dial-up, but it didn't.

I'm willing to use pico to edit text-based config. files, try again, or

I thought that configuring everything in fetchmail, while logged on as
"root" would do it (that sort of tinkering fixed my "domain name problem"
earlier ... I don't have to fix it in every user account).

Still tinkering!

TIA for any help,


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