Still freezes

On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> It is kind of wierd the way that it hangs up after the music or after the
> first turn ends in my case.  I can then ctrl-alt-backspace and start the
> game again without sound (apparently the sound device is busy) and it won't
> hang up at all.   Well, at least for 20 minutes or so.  At any rate, I tried
> playing with a couple of different settings.  Try the following and see what
> results you guys get ....
> at a terminal try
> esd              (this should make  a r2d2 like sound)
> ctrl - c
> then start the game ....  I no longer have the hang up but I'm missing some
> of the sound ... or so it seems
> you might also want to try
> export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=esd
> Oddly enough, most games that I've tried have tended to work better on a
> standard Mandrake install then Caldera.  This one is the exception as it
> seems to work fairly well on my Caldera box.
> Larry
> Vic wrote:
> > Same here, I sure as heck hope that the
> > full version does not act like that too,
> > I think the programmers when they told me it
> > was the sound drivers were just making dumb
> > excuses to sit around picking their noses and
> > not do anything about it, or goodness knows
> > maybe they were hopefully getting something
> > done, I sure hope so.
> >
> > On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > > Vic wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Speaking of Gaming,  has anyone had a problem with
> > > > Heroes 3 for Linux freezing after the music stops?
> > > >
> > > > I downloaded the demo and after the music quit, the game
> > > > froze and I had to get out the good ol' trusty virtual terminal
> > > > and kill it.
> > >
> > > Hi Vic. I d/l'ed the Might and Magic 3 demo just the other day, and
> > > unfortunately, I have the same problem. Whenever I exit the game, end
> > > turn, etc, etc, the game music stops and the game is locked at that
> > > point, totally unresponsive.
> > >
> > > Hmm. I didn't kill it via terminal though. I just <control> <alt>
> > > <F-10>, shutting down the Xserver, then relogging back in. Guess either
> > > way works though, eh? ;-)
> > >
> > > If anybody knows a fix for this, please pass it along. Also, does
> > > anybody know if this problem is limited to the demo? I'd really like to
> > > know as this is one of the games that I'd really like to purchase the
> > > full version of.
> > >
> > > Thanks! ;-)
> > >
> > > --
> > >                                                                /\
> > >                                                            Dark><Lord
> > >                                                                \/
> --
> Larry Hignight          Descent 3 Beta tester          Caldera Linux 2.4
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  11:40am  up 28 days, 19:48,  5 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.03, 0.00
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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