"Austin L. Denyer" wrote:

> <serious snipping>
> Maybe, but at what price?  It cost me (at the time) the equivalent of
> over six week's rent just to upgrade the machine from 4mb to 8mb RAM.
> Having to pay another three month's worth just to get to a hardware
> level that would support the OS was not economically viable - at least,
> not to me.

Wow, you guys either have really cheap rent or expensive ram!!!

> Yes, you do get what you pay for.  But, in terms of value for money, the
> cost of the OS plus hardware placed an effective OS/2 system WAY beyond
> the means of J. Random User.

Agreed.  Well, at least at first.  I never had actually had the pleasure of
trying os/2 so I can't say for sure.

> Try THAT with NT...

um ... no

> And back then, NO-ONE could live without Doom #;-D

Yeah, it helped me get over my heroin addiction.    ;-)

> especially when the Internet patch came out
> so that we could finally use the Internet for the REAL reason that Al
> Gore invented it. <G>)

Now if this isn't the best reason yet to vote for Gore .....

> My main concern is aimed at those who have to pay for their on-line
> time.  <SNIP> Too many off-topic posts used to cost me
> a fortune.

I was under the impression you could setup you email deliveray to not fetch
<ot> mails?

> I WAS thinking of setting up a separate list for off-topic stuff once I
> got my ADSL set up, but as BellSouth (my ADSL ISP) only gave me a USB
> modem (un-supported by Linux) the only machine I have access to with
> ADSL connectivity is my Wife's Win98 box.

The bastards ...... did you consider giving one of the new technology
previews a shot?  check out both Caldera an ummm RH.  <preparing to run and
duck from incoming bricks :)>

> What to you think?

A linux rants list sounds like a lot of fun :)  I guess I could run it off my dsl 
after I finish security

setup on it.  I'm currently just logging on and off in short bursts ..... trying to 
fly low.

Larry Hignight          Descent 3 Beta tester          Caldera Linux 2.4
 12:45pm  up 28 days, 20:53,  5 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.05, 0.01

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