//-----Original Message-----
//From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Larry
//Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 6:52 AM
//Subject: Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)
//"Austin L. Denyer" wrote:
//> > > There never was much support for OS/2.  Comparatively few
//> applications
//> > > were ever ported, and (compared to the competition at the time) was
//> a
//> > > real resource hog.
//> >
//> > To what are you comparing it, specifically?  Boot time was far quicker
//> than
//> > Windows, IIRC.
//> Well, when I tried it (which was a good few years ago now) Windoze 3.1
//> was king, Win95 was still a dream project called Chicago, a college
//> student called Linus Torvalds had just started releasing a (then very
//> basic) Minix/unix clone on an unsuspecting world, and my 486 with 8megs
//> of RAM made me the envy of my colleagues.  OS/2 was a slug on 8megs, and
//> really needed 16megs to start performing.  Now, I was living in the UK
//> at the time, with RAM costing $130/meg...
//I seem to recall a ZD article suggesting that OS/2 was king if it had 16
//megs of ram; however, comparing OS/2 to Win3.1 is a lot like comparing
//minix to unix.  You get what you pay for in a sense.  If you were to open
//five applications in os/2 and the same five applications (or close
//substitutes) in win3.1, I think you'd see os/2 just beating the
//snot out of
//> Anyway, I'm interested in your comments, as I gave up with OS/2 fairly
//> quickly and would love to hear a more informed opinion, although I think
//> we ought to take this thread to private e-mail before the net.police get
//> us #;-D
//> Regards,
//> Ozz.
//Please don't ... I'll cheerfully add a <OT> and look forward to more
//conversation on the subject.
//Larry Hignight          Descent 3 Beta tester          Caldera Linux 2.4
//  3:45pm  up 27 days, 23:53,  5 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.12, 0.06

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